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/ A.D.A.M. The Inside Story 1.1 (Macintosh) / A.D.A.M. The Inside Story (Version 1.1 for Macintosh)(65-055-016)(1995).iso / _A.D.A.M. Data / Full Movies / Male Posterior 7.4.mac < prev   
Unknown  |  1994-08-02  |  760KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
66% dexvert MacPaint Image (macPaint) ext
10% dexvert GEM Raster Bitmap (gem) magic
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
1% dexvert Installer VISE Package (installerVISE) ext
100% file Atari DEGAS Elite bitmap 640 x 200 x 4, color palette 0000 000b 9700 0000 0014 ... default
99% file data default
42% TrID GEM bitmap (v1) default
28% TrID DEGAS med-res bitmap default
14% TrID MacBinary 1 default
14% TrID Adobe PhotoShop Brush default
0% TrID VXD Driver default